
Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Some new things to come...

I started this blog as a way to remember my kids, write about them, share their cuteness with family that is long distance. It then morphed into nail polish, with a few recipes thrown in...and little other things like a valentine day challenge, and some venting, and whatever else was on my heart at the time of writing.

It was the place I launched my nail polish collection.

The place I open up about my depression, the black whole.

To share memories.


I want to get back to doing recipe posts, nail polish posts, family posts, quirky posts, challenges...when I remember to post that is. I get in these spurts where I want to post but nothing comes out....or I get bored with it...

So hopefully I will be back tomorrow or the next day with something for ya.

Any ideas? What were some of your favorite posts of mine?


Friday, April 26, 2013

60 great Marriage tips...

This is not my list, found it on FB, but loved it, These are easy simple things to do to strengthen your marriage.
1. Always love each other, even when it's hard to
2. Never go to bed angry.
3. Go on regular date nights
4. Hide notes in secret places
5. Go to bed at the same time
6. Listen to music together-share ear-buds
7. Buy him gifts he will love
8. Revitalize the romance with intimate dates
9. Wear shirts that tell the world you love your spouse
10. Praise your spouse to other people
11. Read a marriage devotional
12. Sleep in his t-shirts
13. Renew your vows privately with whispers and memories
14. Renew them publicly with cake and bubbly
15. Go away together at least once a year

For Women Only
16. Hang pictures of the two of you around your house
17. Make his favorite dessert
18. Make sex a priority
19. Spend time apart occasionally
20. Learn to enjoy something he loves
21. Surprise each other
22. Meet him at the door
23. Text each other from across the room
24. Set reminders on your phone to remember him/her throughout the week
25. Call him right now and tell him you appreciate him

For Men Only
26. Leave work on time and come home early
27. Engage every day in meaningful conversation
28. Compliment each other
29. Take one day a month to make your spouse your total focus
30. Argue fair: avoid these words “you always” and “you never”
31. Kiss every day
32. Find tangible ways to serve your mate without complaining
33. Forgive quickly
34. Be honest.
35. Get on the same page: plan your budget together
36. Look your best as often as you can
37. Guard your marriage
38. Laugh together
39. When you are together-BE TOGETHER (take a break from phones, technology, etc)
40. Tell her she’s pretty, especially when she’s not feeling it

41. Make each other breakfast in bed
42. Do her chores for her
44. Get a couple’s massage or host your own privately
44. Dance together-soft music (both of you alone) or rocking music with the kids
45. Exercise together- hikes, bike riding, etc
46. Choose not to be annoyed by an irritating behavior/disappointment from your spouse
47. Thank your spouse often even for the least reason or gesture
48. Lay in bed together and stare into each other eyes, without talking
49. Learn something new together-take an art class, cooking lessons, etc
50. Leave a sweet comment on the Facebook wall
51. Support each other’s goals
52. Bring her flowers/gifts (even when she says they are too expensive)
53. Wear something your spouse loves
54. Share furniture-sit in his lap
55. Fight for your marriage
56. Make a point to eat dinner together most days of the week.
57. Never let your spouse feel like they come second place to your career or any other thing.
58. Talk about your dreams and aspirations. Be supportive of each other and dream big together!
59. Maintain a united front as your motto: Meaning- “Me and you against the world.
60. Speak well of your spouse.
Do you do any of these?

Monday, April 22, 2013

Earth Day 2013

Hey ya'll. Hope your doing great.

Its really overcasty outside today. And damp. Yucky Earth Day.

I did this mani awhile back and thought it would be perfect for today.

Its a saran wrap mani with a blue and green and looks like the Earth! Then I added some glitter!

Thanks for stopping by.


Thursday, April 11, 2013

The most divine lemon sugar scrub ever! (SALE on Sassy Lacquer!!)

Hey there ya'll. i know its been awhile since writing...sorry. I've been busy. I think.

This morning I whipped up a Lemon Sugar Scrub for myself after my friend Hailey posted a link to one.

I made my own version of several recipes I looked at.

I remember as a kid in elementary school doing an experiment of sorts with lemon and salt, and how it made my hands feel so smooth afterward.

So I pulled out all my ingredients that I wanted to use:

Then poured them in a bowl or two:

In the picture above I have the oils in the small bowl and warmed it up a bit to liquefy the coconut oil.

This is all my ingredients ready to be stirred up:

Added the juice of a whole lemon and the Zest!

I didn't beautify the jar like some others do, but if I were to give it as a gift i would put a cutsie label on it and perhaps a bow:

During Scrub:

After Scrub: nice and soft!

This is where it'll sit (for a few days anyways, then I'll put it in the it lasts a while. I'm pretty sure it would be ok setting out, but since I am in Florida and its hot here I don't want it going bad on me, that would be such a waste!):

My Recipe:

Sassy Lemon Sugar Scrub:

3 cups sugar (give or take see instructions)
juice of one lemon
zest of one lemon
1/2 cup of coconut oil, warmed to liquid
1/2 cup sea salt, coarse
1 tsp sweet almond oil

Mix together 1 1/2 cups sugar and 1/2 cup sea salt.
Add in warmed coconut oil and sweet almond oil.
Add zest of lemon and juice.
Mix. I added another cup of sugar to get the consistency I wanted.

Place into a jar and use to scrub hands, feet, and legs. Scrub, rinse, and dry.
So smooth and soft afterward. Smells good too.

I'll be coming up with others as well when I am done with this scrub. Another friend, Frankie, made a coffee and brown sugar scrub. That sounds divine!

Catch ya laterz,

PS: SALE!!! 30% off any purchase!! PLUS a FREE mini of your choice with purchase of three or more polishes! (no code for the mini, please state in note on order your mini selection)
Code for 30% off : 30ofapril
BOTH Deals Expire: April 15th 8 am EST