
Saturday, May 26, 2018

Have you missed me?

Hello lovely few followers!

It's been awhile! over four years I think! I've been a busy little bee those four years!

We've moved, started a new school or two, new jobs, new house, new outlook on life, etc. I've been trying to figure out how to get myself connected again with blogger (its been four years, new computer, new emails, new passwords, bad memory), and I finally figured it out, woohoo! So I can start writing again! Things have dynamically changed for me since the beginning of the blog. It's went from one thing to the next as my life goes in different directions. So now that I am back in, I want to continue on with it, no matter where it goes or who sees it or who even cares. Its mostly for me to have somewhere to put my feelings and talk to the world, aren't you lucky?

Lots of new things to come! Sadly the nail polish is the least on my mind these days, however I do terribly miss creating it. So much thought and planning went into my lines and my creations. Another thing that has ended is my connection with Younique, I still do however love their makeup, still wear it, still purchase it, just not a distributor any longer. I am no longer a stay at home momma, I am a full time working SUPER mom. We have moved back to my home town, THANK GOD! Oh how I had missed it! My children have grown sooooo much! 

Well if you are still here, say Hi in the comments please!