
Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Unstoppable, part 2

So I told you last Sunday that I was going to come here and tell you about my Church service...this past week we ended up not making it into Church, we had a birthday party and welcome home party for my Grandma. A couple months back she fell and broke her hip and has been in rehab and a nursing home since. She has Alzheimer's as well, and most patients that break a hip and have Alzheimer's do not learn to walk again, Praise God Grandma did! She is doing so well, I am so grateful! We had a great little family gathering this past Sunday, got a chance to meet my cousins 2 week old and hold him, his name is Herk, isn't that adorable? His great grandpa's name is Hercules, seriously, then his grandpa's name is Herk, such a neat name!

Right now I am listening in on our Churches Wed Worship service. Its amazing to be able to attend live via Internet, esp having children....and when we are sick we can still view online. So great. Tonight Gateway Church is leading Worship.

So last last Sunday was part two of the Unstoppable series that Pastor Greg is teaching...
He was saying that we need to be inviting. Invite everyone you see to Church. It starts with Me/You. We need to lead people back to Christ...
(I went so long without writing this that I have sorry)

So here are some things from the service:

Video of service

Declaration: God chose to save me before I ever responded to His call. I am exceptionally gifted and designed to make a difference in this world. I am called, blessed, and anointed with Christ’s power, more than that, I am submitted to His will. I am here to make a difference! I am ready to see my country come back to faith in Christ. I love my home state and I will be a part of seeing the city of Tampa Bay transformed for the cause of Christ. I know it starts with me! I am ready to serve my church, the bride of Christ, she is the hope of the world.

The Big Idea: The vision of The Crossing Church has everything to do with leading people into God’s design, which is the doorway to a life of destiny!

Scripture: Acts 2:37-41 NIV
When the people heard this, they were cut to the heart and said to Peter and the other apostles, "Brothers, what shall we do?" Peter replied, "Repent and be baptized, every one of you, in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins. And you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit. The promise is for you and your children and for all who are far off—for all whom the Lord our God will call." With many other words he warned them; and he pleaded with them, "Save yourselves from this corrupt generation." Those who accepted his message were baptized, and about three thousand were added to their number that day.

Prayer: Thank you for calling me and equipping me to do you work in the world. I see your vision for my life and I am leaning into that calling. I am learning to follow you and trust you, as I do, things around me are becoming clearer. You know the way and you are the life giver. I trust your vision for my life and I am investing everything I have in that plan. I am committed to my church, your bride, and realize that my destiny is best served in serving.

I have to go watch Week Three and report back to you, but until then, love to you all and I invite all of you to go to your Friends and invite them to Church this Sunday!

Love, Carrie


  1. Praise the Lord indeed! And its great that you are taking initiative to serve the Lord :D May the Lord continue to bless you and your family and all those around you!

  2. I love that there are still people out there willing to openly express their faith. It seems like there's such a strong leaning to agnosticism and atheism nowadays and those who still profess belief are either ridiculed or openly, angrily derided.

    Thank you for posting this. Keep your faith and know there are those out there who fully support you in you positive actions.


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